Friday, June 1, 2007

(inadequate customer service) Craig has no clue what's missing? (pants on fire...)

re: "I don't know what's missing... and that's frustrating..."
(8 min mark)

yeah, right... he has no clue that he NEEDS more customer service people given the volume? that he NEEDS to spend much more on that and forget about tens of millions in profits... that there is no way 12 people can handle the demand...


P.S. and I do sympathize with the poor employees -- he must be working them to death... as to his own contribution to customer service: I constantly hear people he personally "helped" weren't impressed, to say the least... -- latest example I came across he was telling somebody to just flag, when it had nothing to do with the problem...(just plain dizzy...)

P.P.S. again, I can't find the quote... D.

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