Thursday, May 1, 2008

(ebay and craigslist) ebay's side: no justification for craigslist's poison pill...(and a whole lot of other things Craig&Jim did...)

MORE: plenty of people agree with them... e.g. John: "Last I checked you were a private company with only 3 shareholders. You can’t compare that with a publicly listed company where anybody can buy and sell.(...) In my experience as a minority shareholder of a number of small ventures, what you have done here is completely illegal."

re: "nothing explains how a poison pill would benefit a privately owned corporation where the only two board members own a majority of shares, the two controlling stockholders and Board members have a right of first refusal on each others shares (to the best of ebay's knowledge), and a single stockholder holds all the other outstanding shares" (30th paragraph)

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